quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

My sweet Lord

Pessoal que adora música .
Meus alunos queridos e amigos essa é pra todos vocês !
Kisses ........................ LOLLY

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

Eco Rio - para o pessoal preocupado com o meio ambiente

Essa garota é uma expert !
Vale a pena ver de novo ........

Fotos da turma de blogeiros

HELP ................ !!!!
Alunos da professora Luce Helena !

Things I counldn't live without ...

There are so many things I could never live without.
My kids Flavinho and Gui , they are like the stars on a stormy night , sometimes more than you can imagine , they fill me with love and a strange feeling that I will never die because I will go on ..... through them .
My husband Flávio who is my balance and always makes me feel complete and supported .
My job , yes , being a teacher has always made me very happy even when things don't go right , and sometimes they don't !
There are so many others things I couldn't live without .
I thank GOD every single day of my life .
I couldn't live without my faith , it is my strenght to keep on doing what has to be done .
My friends are certainly another part of me that I could never live without .


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